Discussing classic texts with Year 11 students

Picture 9My year 11 Extension class is doing a course called ‘Text-Value-Culture’, and last term we read ‘The Odyssey’ and talked about the way this story has been appropriated by different writers for different purposes. This term each of the students has chosen a pre-WW2 text and a couple of appropriations to study.

You can read about what the students are doing on our Class Ning.

Some of the students have expressed an interest in finding people from outside our classroom who share their interest in a particular text. Shannon is exploring Poe’s ‘The Raven’. Tom is looking at how the story of Tarzan has been adapted by different cultures. Will started with the story of Heloise and Abelard, and that has taken him to a poem by Alexander Pope and the film ‘The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’. And Michael is reading The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

If you are interested in reading what these students have written about their texts,  then feel free join our Ning and to join the conversations.

About steveshann

I've been a classroom teacher since 1970, spent a number of years on school executives and school boards, practised as a qualified psychotherapist for 10 years, was an Assistant Professor in teacher education for 6 years and a published academic and educational writer for most of my professional life. I retired from full-time work in July 2015. and have been - writing fiction - supervising PhDs, - teaching in University short courses, - teaching part-time at the Australian Catholic University - employed as a consultant in government and non-government schools - writing about a mythopoetic methodology for educational research THE WORLDS OF HARRIET HENDERSON My novel 'The Worlds of Harriet Henderson' will be launched late in 2018. You can read about it here:https://bit.ly/2wDOi4r
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2 Responses to Discussing classic texts with Year 11 students

  1. Eric says:

    Hi Steve,

    There may be some interesting overlaps with the work going on in my IB English A1 course. You can check the class blog here—


    —and let me know at ericmacknight AT mac DOT com if you and your students are interested.



  2. James says:

    Let your students know that I’ll be lurking about these today and tomorrow. Hopefully, I’ll post something when I’ve got more time.

    Good stuff and great examples for my own classroom!

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